Why Drone in Real Estate?

Drones are widely used in many industries today, with communications and media such as filmmaking and commercial photography accounting for 60% of their usage.

The first thing to think of as a real estate agency/agent is how the real estate industry will benefit from it?

Real estate has become the number one industry in North America that uses drones for marketing purposes.

A drone can capture high-quality digital content (photos, videos, etc.) that shows the property from all angles. So how can drones take your business and projects to the next level?


Aerial shots


Before commercial drones, the only way to get an aerial shot was to hire a licensed pilot and rent a helicopter then get them up in the air at just the perfect moment. Not only is this time-consuming but it also requires a significant financial investment, licensing requirements, extensive planning, and other details to consider.

The entire procedure consumes a lot of resources (human, financial…).

Drones make aerial shots a lot simpler, with a higher quality – while also making them available much more affordable than in the past.

Besides, Drones can allow you to pilot the machine while enjoying a real immersive experience thanks to the on-board camera positioned on the drone, you can have aerial views as if you are in the device. And FPV technology allows a drone pilot to see what his device is filming in real-time and in a very realistic way.


3D Mapping


Thanks to the aerial view, drones provide bird’s eye views that map out areas more efficiently than a surveyor could on foot.

Drones can perform 3D mapping, surveying sites, and taking photos for map creation in a fraction of the time.

Furthermore, the problem of clarity can be solved with drone mapping. A highly detailed aerial map provides insight into the property details without requiring a client to visit the location in person. With the assistance of a licensed land surveyor, contour lines and accurate borders can be overlaid onto the imagery.

You can find these services at ThreeDMedia, We provide high-quality images/video took by one of the best drone pilots in Los Angeles, feel free to contact us at info@3dmedia.com or (949) 478-4336

Please let us know if you have any suggestions or special requests that we can assist you with during this time. The team at 3D Media is wishing for you and your loved ones’ safety and health!